Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 3: 500 Calories a Day!

So today is day 3 of my hCG diet.  Today I start the 500 calorie portion of the diet, instead of the loading phase.  I was nervous as I got up today, but getting on the scale made me feel so much better because I have almost lost five pounds!  I now weigh 144 pounds.  Knowing this I had the motivation to get through the first day of fewer calories.  

Let me go over the day. I got a little hungry between breakfast and lunch, but as soon as I had lunch, I was satisfied with the fruits, vegetables and meat I prepared for lunch.   I’ve heard a lot of people complain that 500 calories is not enough to sustain yourself.  But, I really felt satisfied after lunch and I was full.  A big part of this diet is the mind game of “I haven’t eaten that much, but I feel like I should eat more.It’s the mind telling you that you need more, but your stomach is saying you are full.  

One hard thing I am noticing is the amount of water I need to drink.  You are supposed to drink two liters each day, and as I write this I still have about a half liter to go.  It can be hard to get that water down. 

Another thing I noticed is that I was ready for dinner after working all day!  I’m glad I took my hCG drops before leaving work this evening because you need to wait at least 20 minutes before eating something. So I was able to drive home and eat my dinner, and afterwards I was full again!

Please let me know what experiences you’ve had with the hCG diet.  I know the way to be successful with any diet program is to have a great support group.  I would love to hear from you, answer questions you have, or pick up any pointers you may have for me.  Just post a comment and I will respond. I am excited to see my results over the next couple of days!

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