Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 5: Losing Weight on HCG Drops, HCG Diet

Time to give you my update on the HCG Diet. Today is day number five. This morning when I weighed myself, I weighed a 140.8 so only a 0.2 pound loss for the one day yesterday. A little disheartening but I'm not discouraged, so it’s still definitely in the right move in the right direction.

So today was a little hard I guess, just a little as hard as yesterday. I did the smoothie for breakfast this morning, used my full fruit for lunch and one tablespoon of milk like you’re allotted on the original protocol, and then I used some ice and some water. It didn’t seem to do or be much different than just taking tea in the morning. So I’m actually going to try having my full fruit in the early morning hours to see if that will help instead of taking it all up front right when I first wake up. I so want to let you know how that goes.

I’m still working on getting all my water down before bedtime. It’s actually getting a lot easier. I don’t really have to concentrate on this hard. It’s just becoming more of a natural habit to be drinking that much water all day. I’m still preparing my foods two days in advance and I found out that it’s really helping when I’m get home from work, being tired and hungry. The last thing I want to do is get home, work out and then and prepare food. So I’m still preparing two days in advance, so get Tupperware out and make it easier on yourself. Learning these little tips is a big key to success. So still doing that, hopefully today will be little bit better on the weight loss.

Let me know if you have questions for me or if you have any good tips for me.  Looking forward to losing the weight in the next couple of days.

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