Tuesday, November 1, 2011

HCG Drops Diet: Day 6

Hi everybody! Kelly here again. Today is Day 6 of my hCG Diet. This morning when I weighed myself I was at 138.8. So in the total of 6 days, I’ve lost 10.2 lbs which is very exciting for me. Had that one little day when I only lost 0.2lbs but I’m back on track. So that was really a good feeling this morning to start the day with.This morning I did try my full lunch fruit mid-morning and that helped a lot. I felt much better. I was able to be a little more comfortable through the morning with that fruit. You know early morning or mid-morning. So I definitely recommend breaking up your meals like that if you can.

So tonight I tried something new for dinner. On the original hCG protocol menu suggested by Dr. Simeons you can eat shrimp, so I did prepare some grilled shrimp tonight, definitely recommend it if you like shrimp or are a seafood person. It was wonderful. 

I’m still preparing my meals in advanced. So I’m making life easy when I get home from work. One thing I wanted to send as a recommendation to all ladies out there; I started my HCG diet about 6 days prior to my cycle starting and I haven’t been feeling so great for the last 2-3 days. But my cycle started today and I feel worlds better. So I definitely recommend giving yourself more time than that so you’re not new to the diet and your body is not preparing to start the cycle. 

So that’s my recommendation today as well as the mid-morning fruit so that you can still keep your Melba toast in the afternoon with your vegetable and your meat. One of the things that I switched to tonight is Sarah Lee Delight, it’s a 45-calories per slice bread. It’s actually really good. I mean going from the Melba toast to this bread, only 45 calories is actually a reduction in calories and it was so good to eat. So trying that, we’ll see if there’s any adverse effects to my weight loss or the way I feel.

So that’s all I have today. So I hope you’re doing well, stay strong we’ll keep going through this journey together!

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