Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 11: Upset Stomach on the hCG drops

So I am completing day 11 of my hCG drops diet. This morning when I got on the scale, I weighed  136.6, so I lost .4 lbs. I’m really happy about that half pound lost or almost half pound. So I’ve lost a total of 12.4 lbs now which is not too bad for almost two weeks of focused efforts

This morning wasn’t such a great day, unfortunately I didn’t get my smoothie just because I was running so far behind and went to bed so late yesterday and didn’t prepare, I was feeling sick day just really not feeling well, I had my fruit in the mid morning so I had just my half of great fruit. But that didn’t seem to help me very much, and then at lunch time I had actually grilled shrimp, with seasonings and all of that like I had in the past but I wasn't feel too well so I just had to choke it down.

Tonight when I got home I did not want to eat dinner, that was the last thing that sounded good just because my stomach was so upset. I actually jumped online and spoke to one of my friends that did the HCG injections and what she did was substitute her meat for one medium sized egg, and then 1 egg white. You have basically 2 egg whites and 1 yolk. And that was wonderful, it taste so good, it made my stomach calm right down and settle down. We’ll see if it affects my weight lost, but when I was looking online, it has about the same calorie value as the hundred grams of meat. So hopefully it won’t be a big different. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for that because it was a great dinner and a nice alternative to what I've been eating lately.

Tonight as I promised myself yesterday or last night, I did prepared 3 full meals, or 3 full days of meals so I’m definitely setting myself up for success this week. I’m going to have another night like I did last night, or morning that I did this morning. Hopefully tomorrow it should go much better just because I have everything planned out. I’ll be able to have my smoothie in the morning and get things started up on the right foot. With that, I just want to make sure you’re staying successful, make sure you’re making it easy on yourself as possible, plan for that success.

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