Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 13: Weight Loss Progress!

Here we are on "lucky" day 13 of my hCG drops diet. This morning when I weighed myself, I weighed 135.8, so I’m back in the losing direction. I lost 1.4 lbs, I made a total of 13.2! That’s way exciting just because of that horrible day yesterday of gaining .6 lbs. Back on track, really excited about that. This morning when I woke up I didn’t have my typical smoothie because I woke up a couple of hours late, we need to work a couple of hours late, so I just ended up having my fruit with my lunch which worked out really great. Sometimes I can be a little hard getting all of it down especially for lunch. I already had my tea (I am using this great tasting green tea you can find anywhere but I just got mine from Amazon) and my fruit. But I held off and made it to dinner. 

Things are going great. It’s getting cold here, and you are asking, "so what?"  Well, my hands and arms are getting dry and cracked. Well, on the diet it is suggested that you avoid using facial cremes or any make up because it can lead to weight retention.  So that’s one downfall but I’ve heard so many people that say “oh, I use lotion and I ended up gaining half a pound or a pound or whatever” I know that sounds crazy but those oils just have so much fat in them, or the lotion has so much oil fats in them. That’s kind of what helps create the moisture in your hands.

Steer clear, I know it’s hard but it’s definitely going to be worth it in the end. To kind of get personal here, I’ve had a couple of questions, and have also notice some comments on twitter. Today is the 6th day since I've had a bowel movement (I know you love knowing this about me!). Mentally I’m little nervous because that seems ridiculously long for normal human being. Even though I am eating hardly anything, but I think it’s more mental because my stomach doesn’t hurt I don’t feel bloated, I don’t feel irritated or anything like that. Maybe this is just how it works, we’ll have to wait and see how I feel the next couple of days, see if anything changes. 

Things are going well, however, I almost cheated and had some peanut butter. I know, I almost screwed up but I held off and I didn’t eat it. I gave it away to my husband. He’s very thankfully ate it himself. Let’s keep going through this, we’ll get through it and we’ll have those later.  It's been a long and more difficult day. I think I will try drinking more than two liters of water tomorrow to see if that helps with my appetite control. 

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